The wings of flies, gentlemen, represent the aerial power of the psychic faculties.
Чарли Кокс рассказывает про то, какой Мэтт рядом с Карен и какой он рядом с Электрой. Конечно же ничего у Карен и Мэтта не выйдет, пока он не откроется ей полностью. И пока Карен не раскроет секреты своего прошлого Мэтту. Потому что пока они видят только одну половину друг друга, лучшую.

Karen brings out in him everything that he believes he wants to be. He is able to live a life with her, in his mind, that is exactly the kind of man his father wanted him to be, that he imagined himself to be when he was growing up. And that’s someone who believes in the law, who believes in justice, who operates from a place of kindness and generosity and compassion. But she doesn’t know his greatest secret. She doesn’t know this other half of him that is very real and a huge influence on his life. (…) Elektra, on the other hand, she does know this side of him. So, in many ways, he’s able to be completely himself with Elektra and he’s able to be that side of him that he’s a little ashamed of and hides from the rest of the world. (…) She draws out a darkness in him that is there, but not necessarily the whole story either. So he’s pulled in both directions. – Charlie Cox


@темы: гифки, marvel