Я всегда думала, что Мордред - это инцестовый ребёнок Артура и Морганы. Но оказывается всё было не так! Оказывается "Туманы Авалона" всех обманули.
- Did you know that in the original Camelot mythology Morgana and Arthur were brother and sister, they commenced in boning, and their incest baby was Mordred.
- Did you know that that is wrong?
That in the “original” arthurian legends it was Morgause who slept with Arthur and had Mordred as a baby. And The first time someone writes a story where Arthur and Morgana have a baby is in the 1800. And that this idea became so popular because of “Mists of Avalon”?
Morgause and Morgana were two different characters. Morgause appears as Anna. Morgana appears as the lady of Avalon in Monmouth.
In later texts Morgana and Morgause are sisters but still it’s Morgause who is Mordred’s mother.